Wednesday, October 26, 2022

What lengths am I willing to go to in order to do right by every child?

 As a teacher it is very important we do everything we can to make right by every child. The question is how? It is important that we make every child in our classroom feel seen and heard. The way we respond to children and their needs is very important. It is how we can truly create a genuine relationship with our students. Like the module points out teachers need to humble themselves to truly do their students justice. As a future educator this is something I most definitely want to keep in mind. Christopher Emdin in his Ted Talk Reality Pedagogy explains that are view of what teaching is does not show the true picture of the complexity of our students or like he said "youth we are trying to save". This really changed my mindset of how we as teachers should view our students. It also made me realise that we as teachers need to be willing to truly understand our students so we can do right by them. This means deconstructing many of the ideas we already have about our students. He goes on to explain we are too busy often putting the guilt we feel on our students. It is important that we go the extra mile to make sure we do not do this. We instead should like Christopher said we understand our students. He explained to do right by every child we need to understand what equity is. He explains that equity is when we as teachers listen to our students and are able to gage an understanding of what they as an individual need. Rather than equity being teaching all student and giving them equal treatment. Doing right by every child goes beyond that. In the article "3 tips to make any lesson more culturally responsive" explains that we as teachers should be emulating students "cultural learning styles and tools". To do right by every child I will make sure to do this. It shows that you truly value accommodating your students and their cultural backgrounds. 

Listening to Understand: Five Strategies to Try with Students


  1. Hi Zehra! i really liked your blog post, i agree and believe that one crucial way for teachers to reach students is to invest in building a solid relationship with these learners. As human beings, all of us want to feel valued and cared for by the people in our lives, students included. It's important to know the power we wield as teachers over our students. When students understand that we care about them and we take the time to build a relationship with them, they are more likely to be invested in their relationship with us because of that comfort and support we give them.

  2. Hi Zehra! I agree that it is so important for us as teachers to do everything we can to make right by every child! I love what you said about creating a truly genuine relationship with our students. Students and humans in general feel seen when someone makes an effort to get to know them. Getting to know our students will not only be better for them but make teaching more enjoyable. I agree that we need to understand what equity truly is! For the longest time I thought equity was just treating all students the same like you said, but its more than that, and I think it’s important to understand. When reading “3 Tips to Make Any Lesson More Culturally Responsive”, I also took note of cultural learning styles. I hadn’t thought about this before, but it is so true! All students are coming from different upbringings and backgrounds and we need to attend to that!

  3. Hi Zehra! I loved how much thought and effort you put into your blog post. I also think that one of the most important parts of being a teacher is building a relationship with their students. Students look up to their educators whether it is apparent in their behavior or not. Students spend way too long at school to not build some sort of relationship with their teachers that goes beyond what is required. I think it is easy to underestimate the effect teachers have on their students, especially the younger grades. This can lead to a heavy weight placed on teachers' shoulders to do right by their students at all times. Although we obviously can not be perfect, I think this is the goal we should strive for. It is no secrect that students are more likely to pay attention and learn from after you have built some sort of connection with them first.


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