Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Do I Have the Full Picture?

 When I read the question, Do I Have the Full Picture? I can easily answer that question. I do not think there is anyone who truly has the full picture. However I do think some people try to see the whole picture. Where as other people do not strive to see it and learn more. For example, as future educators it is important that we take the time to understand who are students are. Specifically future teachers should take the time to understand the many faults in the school system. We need to take the time to understand how schools often let down students. Lastly we need to get to know our students as individuals. Without doing these things we will not even be close to having the full picture. Like Bettina Love said "teachers go into the field with limited understanding of children". As future teachers we of course will learn more about children when we are teachers. However, it is important we have prior knowledge when becoming a teacher about children and the school system itself. It is important that we share our perspective with others and learn about theirs. Wheatley explained that, "we share what we see, what we feel, and we listen to what others see and feel" when discussing what is important to us. When we hear other peoples perspectives while sharing ours we are able to see have the full picture in some capacity. Something that I think is too often overlooked when trying to see the full picture is language. Language holds great importance and can allow us to gain an understanding of others.

Does Your Child's Teacher See the IEP? | The Wrightslaw WayBack to School Tips for Getting to Know Your Students


  1. Hi Zehra! I loved reading your post and getting to know a little bit about your opinions, I agree with you that no one can know the full picture but most of us future educators and trying to learn as much as we can and are getting more familiar with everything, we need to know to help make our future students feel more comfortable and welcome. I also agree with you that we will know more of "the picture" as we get experience teaching and getting to know all of our students backgrounds and personalities. With teaches sharing their pictures and discussing it with an open mind we are able to learn more and not be so closed minded. One of my professors says that we need to be out of the fish bowl, meaning that we need to take a step back and look at the full picture we need to understand that everyone can have different pictures and ideas but just because they might be different than ours doesn't mean that it is wrong.

  2. Hi Zehra, I really loved your outlook on this week's topic. I think that what you said really answers the question. No one ever has the full picture, but some people see more than others. As future teachers I think it's important that we try to see as much as we can before entering a classroom full of kids. The best we can do is try to educate ourselves about the school system and our students. I think that no one ever stops learning, and it will be a lifelong process. I think more people should try ans seek out more knowledge, just because they only see what they know about doesn’t mean it is enough. Aside from taking classes and learning about the school system, what do you think are some other ways that we can help broaden our view? How do we know that we see enough of the picture?

  3. Hello Zehra, I enjoyed reading your blog. To start off I got a little confused because I couldn't really tell when you stated, "Where as other people do not strive to see it and learn more." Were you trying to say that the people who don't try to see the full picture don't learn as much? or do you believe that people who don't see or want to see the whole picture actually learn more? It kind of seems like a grammar error, but you can never be too sure which is why I wanted to ask. On another note, there were some points that you stated that talked about what you believe future teachers should focus on and I wish you would have dove into them a little bit more. In the blog you only listed that "We need to take the time to understand how schools often let down students" and we. "need to get to know our students as individuals." Although I agree with you that these are things future teachers should focus on these topics, I wish you would've given us as the readers a bit more insight on why you believe these are important and what ways may we learn more about them ourselves. Overall I your blog needed a bit more information but it was still insightful.


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