Thursday, August 25, 2022

Why Teach?

I have wanted to be a teacher ever since I can remember. My parents have owned a child care center most of my life. Most of my childhood I spent there after school spending time with the other children. From a young age I enjoyed helping my mother whether it be reading books to the younger children or helping the older students with their homework. As I got older I went there to volunteer and after I graduated from high-school I began to work there. This experience is what truly made me realize that I wanted to work with kids and be a teacher one day. Being able to observe my mother as well as the other teachers work with the children inspired me. Watching the positive impact my mom and the people that worked with her had on the children that went to the daycare made me want to do the same as profession. Seeing my mom choose patience when speaking to the children rather than anger showed me how important educators are in children's lives. The child care center my mom owns and operates is located in a low income area with a very diverse population. She has joined several programs such as Texas School Ready and Texas Rising Star as she believes in the importance of early childhood education for all students not matter their identity. This has inspired me to be a teacher ensuring that I am understanding to all of the students different needs in my classroom try my best to give them all the education they deserve. I feel as though good teachers can truly change the course of their students lives. Whether that be providing emotional support to them or giving them tools they need to succeed in a certain subject that they may struggle with.

I would love to teach either first or second grade. However, I would be happy to teach any elementary grades. I feel as though students in first and second grade specfically need teachers that can help mold their students love for learning and I would like the opportunity to do that. I am specifically looking forward to helping my students with language arts because that was one of my favourite subjects in school as a kid. As a teacher I will strive to give students many learning opportunities where they are able to express their creativity while learning. My second grade teacher always allowed us to express our creativity in many different ways and I hope to do the same. I will also work to create a classroom environment where students have the opportunity to discuss their identity. I am very passionate about creating a classroom environment where all students feel welcomed and valued as an individual. In school I did not always feel as though my culture was valued. It was almost as if some of my teachers taught us to not see each others differences. I as an educator want to teach my students to acknowledge that they may be different from their classmates however these difference are valuable. I am looking forward to teaching my future students but even more than that I am looking forward to all that they will teach me in the process. I am also so excited to decorate my classroom!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Zehra,
    You are fortunate to have had the model of your mother and the benefit of so many years of experiences with children. I am sure this has taught you so much. I agree. Students' differences are valuable.Best wishes in this class.


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